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Williams, Arizona

WC Unk whisper poss HELP ME 7 sec
00:00 / 00:23

Team members walking through the Williams Cemetery and caught a whisper that sounds like, "Help Me" at about 7 seconds.

WC Lori acknowledged a voice and just before it sounds like a whisper STOP 6 sec
00:00 / 00:14

Lori acknowledges a whisper right after it's caught on EVP at about 6 seconds.

WC Jeanne asking if Jake is still here and it sounds like a whispers saying WHAT at 4 sec
00:00 / 00:13

Jeanne is asking if Jake is still here and a whisper is caught that sounds like "What".

Twinn Butte Cemetery
Tempe, Arizona

TBC Eerie sounding voice possibly
00:00 / 00:07

Unk. female voice at about 5 seconds.

TBC Eerie voice
00:00 / 00:05

Unk. female whisper that sounds like Karen, which happens to be a team members name. at about 3 seconds.

TBC Unk voice acknowledged team members
00:00 / 00:07

Unk. voice acknowledged by team members at about 2 seconds.

Weaver Cemetery

Weaver Whisper that sounds like NO after Lori asks can you tell me your name at about 3 s
00:00 / 00:05

Unk. whisper saying "No" after Lori asks, Can you tell me your name?

Weaver Lori asking what you died from and a female voice says HELP at about 3 sec
00:00 / 00:03

Unk. whisper that sounds like "No" after Lori asks "Can you tell what you died from?

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